Changes are pending:
Enabling cultural change and navigating transformation
Your department or organization is not running smoothly? Actually everyone is highly motivated, but the mood is bad and many feel overloaded. It may be time to take a closer look at the situation in order to identify concrete old and new cases for action.
Change can neither be ordered nor simply “implemented”. Successful implementation requires more than shallow compromises; it requires the understanding of all those involved. It is not only a matter of understanding the why, but also of inspiring enough motivation so that all those involved can follow the path taken.
I rely on participative and dialogue-oriented processes instead of PowerPoint/. Real dialogues have an integrative, deep and above all immediate effect. Oportunities for dialogue encourage participation and allow participants to experience possibilities and perspectives. This works in all group sizes and makes rapid change possible.
I will work with you to create an atmosphere of trust and participation where you will have a safe space to recognize tensions and make blockages understandable. Interest in and understanding of the sources of resistance helps to negotiate conflicts and transform them constructively.
I navigate you through the expected and unexpected dynamics and emotions that arise along the way.